Positive, Negative, and Balance

Beneficial relationships of family and friends have been a human desire since the beginning of time. Relationships enhance life’s experience, while contributing to the advancement of life energy. Since the start of our human existence, a natural connection has facilitated survival through collective intelligence. This knowledge is handed down through each generation while promoting our understanding.

Developing positive behavior patterns is at the core of every person’s existence. These patterns develop as absorption rates dictate the ability to change. When people decide they are not satisfied with their current life choices, they sometimes make drastic changes in search of happiness. Once these life-altering changes have occurred these people realize, they are no happier now then they were before the change.

Even though an occupation can be troublesome, it defines the person and provides balance. Once a rigorous work schedule has been performed, amusement can follow.

Dominant and Passive

Dominant behavior exhibited toward an underdeveloped person is a self-promotion tool produced from ignorance and manifests itself in physical or mental capacities.

A dominant person has the upper hand when someone who is passive invites a relationship. A passive person will submit to demands in anticipation of a permanent connection. Overbearing people dictate the mood of the relationship by showcasing their difficulties and triumphs. These acts of domination erode the self-confidence of the person being dominated.

When dominant people exercise humility they advance their life energy by observing the growth of someone passive. When a passive people are allowed to make their own choices, it builds self-esteem. A combination of give and take promotes personal growth by establishing a balance between individual shortcomings and strengths.

Producing a win-lose situation through a game platform promotes self-degradation of the loser while temporarily boosting self-confidence of the victor. One of the best examples of this condition can be observed at any Little League sport playoff. With anticipation of being victorious, each player enters the field for the game that will decide their fate. Anticipation of a winner builds as the game is played. At the game’s conclusion, the victorious team is announced. The winning team responds with cheering, high fives and laughing, while in the loser’s dugout there is sadness, as well as feelings of despair and sobbing.

Each of these players engage the game to the best of their ability, but due to varying ability levels and the luck of the game, it forces a favored outcome for half of the competitors. All games are influenced by chance and must produce a loser to artificially boost the winner, which in turn degrades the life energy of the loser. Because competition pushes a person to extreme conditions only those people with the mental capacity to endure failure should participate. Though domination gains the admiration of bystanders, it teaches a person to punish the competition at almost any cost.

Good Practices

People’s thoughts and actions control their life energy. These actions have a profound effect on other people’s lives. By enabling self-control, a person can avoid behavioral mistakes that needlessly convey negative connotations. A positive mindset combined with patience provides the ability to remove negativity from most situations.

Understanding the benefits of filtering information can promote a positive atmosphere. For instance, a couple purchases a car together that they both admire. At the conclusion of the car’s first service, the driver is informed that the car has been in an accident and then was repaired correctly. While conveying this information would properly inform the passenger, it would effectively tarnish the good feelings the car provided. Avoid furnishing negative information unless it positively affects a person’s well-being.

In social settings, negative subject matter may be introduced. Such topics can cause emotional distress while collectively removing positive energy from the group. Mastering the art of putting a positive spin on subject matter will avoid degrading thoughts while producing an upbeat ambiance.

To receive a compliment from an admired person is a pleasure. This selfless act of generosity elevate the recipients self confidence. Unfortunately, some of these compliments are occasionally used as a tool to degrade a person with the proverbial word, but. This conjunction is designed to remove the accolade moments after it was bestowed. This style of compliment is backhanded and is shared to artificially elevate the compliment giver while degrading the recipient. For example; a co-worker gives you a compliment on your recent hairstyle, and then follows the gestured with the subtext, “But, that’s not the color I would have chosen.” This popular occurrence of give and take is fueled by the rationalization of the false positive portion of the compliment. A true compliment is a stand-alone accolade.

Anytime someone shows interest in a social environment and is excluded, it damages their life energy. This rejection then contributes to their awkwardness. When people express interest, they can offer a unique dynamic which would otherwise not occur without them.

Strangers represent a portion of the interactions a person experiences throughout daily activities. Interacting with these people presents an opportunity to provide a positive experience. These potentially uplifting interactions collectively adjust the energy levels of both parties. Mood cycles have an effect on these interactions that can jeopardize a successful collaboration.

Performing to the best of a person’s ability is consistent with self-improvement. Occasionally, doing the right thing can backfire producing a negative outcome. For example; your neighbor offers to help fix a minor plumbing problem you have experienced inside your home. As the neighbor tries to fix the pipe he accidently breaks the pipe completely, causing a hefty repair bill. Circumstances beyond a person’s control can yield negative results despite positive efforts. Nevertheless, a person should never use negative results from a good deed to prevent further positive actions.

A person’s emotional reaction in any given situation can be judged by a pass or fail grade. These unique occurrences offer a surprise emotion designed to catch a person off-guard. These spontaneous emotional outbursts can cause a person to reflect and grow, while developing proper reactionary emotional skills.

People occasionally require help from someone outside their normal support circle requiring a neighbor or stranger to assist in a task they wouldn’t normally perform. Though this task removes attention from the helper’s current requirements it builds a personal connection while elevating life energy.

When some people observe a friend or family member’s good fortune, they feel envy or despise that can upset their relationship. This chance discovery is a random occurrence and can be considered only as luck, while being congratulated and enjoyed.

Regret teaches us that undesirable behavior controls life energy. When self-awareness matures, this control becomes an obsession that transforms into a lifestyle.


The concept of karma, (Originating in ancient India) is a positive and negative energy association based on an action or deed, causing a eternal cycle of cause and effect. Undesirable behavior often leaves a person feeling regretful. These feelings are a product of our human existence, which exhibits natural goodness. This goodness is amplified through a series of communal applications.

When karma is acknowledged, a person experiences an increased desire for improved behavior while simultaneously attempting to correct undesirable demeanor. Expecting immediate coinciding results for a personal positive transformation will produce disappointment. Due to variables in life energy karma will produce sporadic results while positive energy neutralizes negativity. For example; if a mass murder decides he wants to turn over a new leaf, it would take many lifetimes before positive karma would be realized, due to the massive amount of negative energy produced. In preliminary stages of karma awareness uncertain results can create frustration for some people causing a relapse to an underdeveloped self.

A person’s life path can present many variations at any given time. When these options present themselves, the results they will produce are unclear. Karma allows people to make a beneficial choice subconsciously, which is usually the first decision that enters their mind. To advance karma, people must be intuitive while acknowledging their inner self.

Karma can’t stop unpleasant things from occurring, but over time it can, and will continue to decrease, negative energy.

Karma gives purpose to the human experience while advancing a person’s mind by enabling resources to initiate new thought processes. These advances reside exclusively in the subconscious (right brain). Karma is a sense of well-being, an overall indicator of life energy quality that has transcended through many lifetimes.

Mood Cycle

Mood cycles are like belly buttons; everyone has one. Undesirable moods can produce unusual behavioral outbursts while causing irreversible damage to people’s relationships. A person’s biorhythm cycles are independent of each other and vary in intensity and duration. These cycles exhibit their own independent characteristics and are subject to lifestyle changes.

While a good mood is welcomed, its counterpart is not. Controlling negative moods should become a priority for preserving a peaceful atmosphere. Various people exhibit subtle mood swings while others have a more difficult task. Having a stable mood enables people to exist while exercising maximum control. Within this control, life energy continues in a stable fashion.

On the opposite end of the scale are people who have massive mood swings, commonly known as bi-polar disorder. These swings produce breathtaking levels of emotion as extreme examples of each variable become apparent. A person with this condition must develop defense mechanisms to help minimize emotional damage. As these tools develop, a positive behavior pattern emerges while building self confidence. A common tool used by a bi-polar person is mental pacification. This distraction allows a person’s subconscious mind to work in the background while calculating solutions. Sleep deprivation can also cause enhanced levels of negative emotions.

While recognition of mood patterns is nothing new, a successful definition of individual templates has not been discovered. Old-fashion biorhythm tracking methods calculated a person’s birthday coupled with twelve astrological signs to produce a general mood prediction. Successful calculation of these predictions could fine-tune daily expectations. Our modern society has failed to recognize these fortuitous life affirming advantages.


If the daily labor aspect of life were removed from people’s lives while retaining their current lifestyle, temporary happiness would follow. But, eventually many people who are no longer working experience uselessness and boredom. They are then compelled to return to the workforce to enhance their self-worth by helping others.

Each person is unique and must be supported to cultivate a robust society. Every astounding event that has been performed on this earth has been carried out by a normal human.

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